No Throw Zone: How To Use Leftovers

Many think that “leftovers” are just a step ahead of “garbage”. Welcome to the No Throw Zone as we talk about a few creative thoughts on how to use leftovers.

No Throw Zone
No Throw Zone

Show of hands, who loves leftovers? Anybody? No? Well, I’m not surprised. Leftovers have gotten a bad rap over the course of time.

Old adages such as “Waste Not, Want Not” and “Clean Your Plate” still ring in our ears from our childhoods (and maybe our children’s childhoods as well!). We were continuously reminded that there were starving children that would give their eye teeth for just one bite of the tuna surprise that was sitting on the table in front of us.

Even Pope Francis jumped on the bandwagon in 2013 saying, “Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.”

All of this makes us feel like leftovers are something we must eat instead of something we could actually enjoy.

I would like to welcome you to the No Throw Zone as we talk about a few creative thoughts on how to use leftovers.

Safely Storing Food Leftovers

Safely Store Leftovers
Safely Store Leftovers

I’m gonna put this at the top of the list because it’s important to store your leftovers in a manner that will allow you to use them in a timely manner before they go bad. For cooked meats and hardy vegetables, the general rule of thumb is that they should be eaten or frozen within 5 days of putting them in the refrigerator (which should happen within 2 hours of cooking them!).

This 5-day rule doesn’t apply to everything so make sure you do your homework. Cured meats can be stored up to 14 days in the fridge after being opened, whereas a fruit or vegetable salad will probably look mushy and unappealing by the next day.

It’s best to use the “first in, first out” method of using your leftovers. When you put a container in, pull any existing containers to the front so they can be used first and the older stuff won’t be hidden in the back!

Keep in mind that’s OK to toss something that looks or smells “funny”. Or, as often happens to me, if you can’t remember when you made it. Never take the chance of getting sick just so you can say you didn’t have to throw it away!

What’s For Lunch Today?

What's For Lunch?
What’s For Lunch?

How about leftovers from your dinner last night?

Nothing’s easier than depositing your leftovers from diner directly into a microwave-safe container to have for lunch the next day. Many dishes are even better when the flavors have had a chance to meld overnight. Don’t believe me? You can’t argue with science, man.

Let’s take that soup or stew, for example. This type of dish is typically simmered for some amount of time, both to cook the ingredients and to evaporate some of the liquid, which makes the broth more concentrated and flavorful.

This evaporation process continues as the dish cools and even in the refrigerator. The meat and vegetables absorb liquid as well, causing them to become more tender and flavorful as time goes on. These chemical reactions are what turn that tasty dinner into a heavenly lunch!

Make It New Again

Make It New Again
Make It New Again

When my kids were growing up, a family favorite was turning stew, pot roast or boiled dinner into hash a day or two later. Simply remove the meat and veggies out of the liquid, chop ‘em up small and crisp them up in a saute pan with a little oil. Use cornstarch to turn the broth into the gravy and you’ve got a real “stick-to-your-ribs” kind of meal. My kids now use this recipe for their own families!

You can also turn any kind of leftovers into a stir-fry. Give them a quick saute and then toss with soy sauce, sesame oil, grated Parmesan or whatever you’ve got on hand!

Puree leftovers to stir into pasta sauce to kick up nutrition and flavor. Or mix them in with pasta and some grated cheese for an easy-peasy meal.

Leftover meat or seafood? How about a sandwich? Or toss it up with some lettuce and your favorite salad dressing! Nachos, chicken salad, ham salad…the possibilities are endless.

Quick And Easy Soup

Quick and Easy Soup
Quick and Easy Soup

Soup’s On! Make that quick and easy soup. Got some bouillon? Puree your leftovers to add for a comforting, tasty broth or mix them in as they are for a hearty soup. Top it with freshly made croutons (made from any kind of leftover bread) and dinner’s ready!

Feeling adventurous? How about some ramen? I know this recipe calls for chicken, celery and carrots but you’re feeling adventurous, right? Go ahead and try it with some different ingredients. Basic, dried, unflavored ramen noodles can be found in the Asian section of your local supermarket and have a long shelf life so why not stock up?

And, just for the record, making your own soup or ramen broth is about one million times better than that “instant” stuff.

Improving The Bottom Line

Improving The Bottom Line
Improving The Bottom Line

Using (reusing?) your leftovers has benefits far beyond the cost of trash bags. Not only are you saving money on your grocery bill, but you’re also reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as your ecological footprint. You’re improving the bottom line for yourself and the whole world.

And lest I end this sounding like your mother, I will also point out that you’re creating tasty and nutritious meals to enjoy with your family and friends. Because that’s the real bottom line, isn’t it?


All my best,




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10 Replies to “No Throw Zone: How To Use Leftovers”

  1. Very interesting ideas on leftovers! I’m like super picky on what I eat leftover, but I think I use check out your suggestions here and I might like it! And using leftovers for lunch is an excellent idea! Thank you for sharing this information. I may share with some of my coworkers.

    1. My husband was not a “leftovers guy” and refused to eat them. We couldn’t afford to throw food away so I came up with the idea of turning them into something else.  It worked like a charm!  

  2. Hello, this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this as the information I’m getting from here is standard. I really don’t like wasting food or foodstuff but sometimes it’s just unavoidable. With these tips listed out here, I am definitely sure I won’t waste food again. These tips are really helpful, thank you for sharing with us. 

  3. This article has amazingly treated the topic of throwing away left over food, and I consider that to be food wastage. Reading this article has shown me ways in which left over food can be stored, and used to make different dishes and soup. This is a very resourceful information you have here. I am glad to have read this article.

    1. I’m happy that you found this helpful. Thank you for your comments and I hope you’ll check back and let me know how you reused your leftovers!

  4. The beginning of your post reminded me of my childhood. I thought I heard my mom scolding me, LOL. But you’re right, we need to change our attitude towards leftovers. And I agree with you in that for certain meals their taste is even better when the flavors have had a chance to meld overnight.

  5. Thank you so much for the informative article!!  I love this because it helps me find different ways of saving money by know throwing my food away.  Definitely using leftovers for lunch is a great idea!  It saves a lot of time and money especially for work the next day.  Thank you so much for this!

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