What To Cook When You Don’t Have Time To Cook

We’ve all been there. Heck, some of us are there every single day. Here are some ideas on what to cook when you don’t have time to cook.

What To Cook When You Don't Have Time To Cook
What To Cook When You Don’t Have Time To Cook

You had to work late.  You have to be somewhere early.  Your son has football practice and your daughter has soccer.  You got a flat tire on the way home.  Whatever it is, it’s left you with no time but guess what?  You still have to eat.

It’s tempting to just hit the drive-thru or order delivery but you’re trying to eat healthy, right?  There are some things you can do to eat healthy…even if you don’t have the time.  Here are a few ideas about what to cook when you don’t have time to cook.

Grab It and Go

Grab It and Go
Grab It and Go


Sometimes the best strategy is to have some prepared foods on hand so you can just grab it and go, especially if you know you’re going to be short on time in the coming days.

Leftovers.  Don’t toss the leftovers!  Break them down into serving-sized portions (even if it’s only one serving) and put them in the fridge or freezer for another time.

Make It Ahead of Time.  If you know you’re going to be rushed in the morning, overnight oats are a great breakfast that you can just take with you.  Breakfast cookies can be prepared in a short order of time and then stored in the refrigerator or freezer for a quick snack. Sometimes I bake this cauliflower casserole and package it into serving-size pieces for easy meals during the week.

Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand.  Nuts, dried fruit, baby carrots, fresh fruit, hard-boiled eggs, whatever tickles your fancy. 

Quick and Easy Meal Ideas

Quick and Easy Meal Ideas
Quick and Easy Meal Ideas


Plan Ahead.  Naan dough is easy to throw together and it keeps in your fridge (ready to bake) for up to 3 days.  Throw on some topping to make a flatbread pizza or spread on some peanut butter, granola and honey.

Dust Off Your Slow Cooker.  There’s nothing better than coming home to find that dinner is ready.  You can use a recipe like this pulled pork or do your own thing.  Throw in some meat and veggies (get the precut veggies from the produce department or use frozen to save time).  Add a little broth or some sauce, turn it on and walk away.

Make It Quick.  Things like spinach feta pitas and this pasta dish are super easy and come together super fast!  Scramble some eggs with veggies and cheese for a light meal or whip up some scallops in less than 5 minutes.

Or Don’t Cook At All

Or Don’t Cook At All
Or Don’t Cook At All

Have A Sandwich.  What’s in your fridge?  A piece of leftover chicken or pork tenderloin?  Slice it thin and throw it on some bread.  Fry an egg.  Cream cheese and olives.  Or make this veggie wrap.

Always Have Peanut Butter On Hand.  Spread it on toast or crackers, with apple slices, slathered on a banana or eat it right off the spoon!

Salad Days.  There are many different kinds of lettuce available, already torn into bite-sized pieces and bagged up in the produce department, ready to go.  Pair it with some cherry tomatoes, leftover meat or hard-boiled eggs, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and your favorite dressing.  Dinner is served!!

One-Pot Wonder

One-Pot Wonder
One-Pot Wonder

Soup To Warm The Soul. Chicken Ramon and Vegetarian Tortellini Soup both come together in less than 30 minutes.  Don’t have all the ingredients?  No worries!  Simply dump some broth in a pot and throw in what you do have!  Frozen, fresh, dehydrated or leftover veggies, pasta or rice and some protein, if desired.  Simmer it up until everything is cooked to your liking.

The Rice Cooker’s Got You Covered.  This is one of my favorite quick and easy meal hacks.  Measure the appropriate amounts of rice and water into the cooker.  Follow that with some ground meat/poultry or nuts/seeds and chopped veggies. Turn it on and dinner is already almost done.  If you want to jazz it up even more, use broth instead of water and toss in a dried Thai pepper.

You can also check out this great cookbook!

Hearty Meals, Quick Clean-up.  Thai curry is warm and comforting while bacon asparagus pasta is a real stick-to-your-ribs dish that comes together quickly. Making a stir-fry is another sure-fire dinner plan.  Simply heat a little oil in a saute pan, put any kind of protein and veggie in and cook until everything is done as you like it.  Stir in or serve it over some cooked pasta or rice.

Think Outside The Box

Think Outside The Box
Think Outside The Box


Many people feel hemmed in about what sorts of foods are for which meals.  I’m here to tell you to stop it.  Seriously.  Stop.

If it’s good for breakfast, it’s still good when it’s time for dinner.  This breakfast burrito is easy to make and easy to take with you.  Oatmeal is a healthy choice for any meal and clocks in at less than 15 minutes.

A healthy snack can make a fantastic light meal.  Hummus and sugar snap peas, apples with peanut butter, yogurt granola cup…you get the idea.

Dinner for breakfast?  Why not?  Last night’s baked beans will be great over toast.  That leftover pork chop and roasted carrots will be delicious in some scrambled eggs or an omelet!  Use leftover asparagus to make this delicious breakfast treat!

You Have What It Takes

You Have What It Takes
You Have What It Takes

You don’t have to use any of the suggestions I have listed above but I do hope I’ve given you some food for thought.  You have what it takes to come up with healthy meals in a snap if you open your mind to different possibilities!

What about you?  What quick fixes have you come up with for mealtime?  Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below!

All My Best,


Preparing Healthier Meals

Many people face barriers in preparing healthier meals, including a lack of time and conflicting information about nutrition, and taste preferences.

Preparing Healthier Meals
Preparing Healthier Meals

Eating healthy. It’s something we all know we should do but it can seem like an impossible task. Often we feel so ingrained in our bad behavior that it’s hard to decide how to even get started.

I’m not an expert in the field and my eating habits are not perfect. I’m just a gal who’s trying to do better today than I did yesterday. I fall off the wagon just like everyone else and struggle to get on the right track again.

I have, however, picked up a few nuggets of knowledge along the way in regard to preparing healthier meals and I’d like to share a few of them with you!

Eat At Home (And Pack Your Lunch)

Eat At Home
Eat At Home

Americans love to eat out.  It’s a fact.  Studies show that we, on average, spend over 50% of our total food budget to eat food away from home 4-5 times per week.

Now, we all know the dangers associated with fast food but there are pitfalls at your local sit-down eatery as well. Restaurants are in the business of serving food that tastes good with little regard for how healthy it may be. The result is often an increased amount of fats and sugars compared to meals you would normally cook at home.

The bottom line? Those who eat more home-cooked meals are simply healthier than those who don’t.

And since you’re cooking dinner anyway, why not cook extra to pack for your lunch tomorrow?

Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables
Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

The recommended amount of produce for adults is 1-2 cups of fruit and 1-3 cups of vegetables.  (And, no, french fries don’t count.)  This seems to be an area where many of us fall short.  More than 90% of Americans don’t eat enough produce.

While a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are the optimal solution to good health, let’s be serious. We don’t all like every vegetable. Me? Not crazy about salads. Or at least that’s how I feel about the bowl full of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers but I love this Mexican Avocado Salad and this Orange and Beet Salad.

Vegetables can take on a whole new flavor profile when combined with a small piece of bacon, some soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, or a few nuts. Sometimes, they can even be the base for your entire meal!

Smoothies made with whole fruits and vegetables (not juice) are a great choice, quick to prepare and easy to take along for the ride to work. This is one of my favorites but there are plenty of other options out there, both “green” or “fruity”.  Really, almost any combo of fruits and veggies works well in a smoothie so use your imagination!

So, maybe it’s not that you don’t like produce. Maybe it’s just that you don’t like the way you’ve been preparing it!

Lose The Cans And Bottles

Lose The Cans And Bottles
Lose The Cans And Bottles

Marinades, sauces, dips, soups, canned fruits and veggies…the vast majority of these pre-made items are loaded with sugar, salt, fat and all kinds of additives. And P.S.? They don’t taste nearly as good as what you can whip up in your own kitchen.

OK, OK, you’re right. I’m not going to ferment my own vinegar or soy sauce. It’s stinky and it takes months.

What I can do is make a few key items when I have the time and store them in the freezer for when I need to use them. Applesauce,  cranberry sauce, barbecue sauce and tomato sauce are just a few examples of things you can whip up in no time!

Salad dressings and dips often don’t hold up as well to freezing but it’s easy to throw together just the amount you need for the meal you’re having. Blue cheese? Yes, please! Thousand island? Honey Mustard? Making these will leave you unflustered!

And this ranch powder mix will happily sit in your cupboard for a long time until you need it.

Plan Ahead

Plan Ahead
Plan Ahead
  1. Make a meal plan. This doesn’t have to be complicated but it is important. It’s a fact that those who make a meal plan are more likely to have a healthier diet.
  2. Hit the store. Make a list of everything you’re going to need to make those meals and go shopping for everything you don’t already have.
  3. Prep, prep, prep. Prep all the food you just brought home from the store. Break the proteins down into serving-sized portions for freezing (so you don’t have to defrost 5 pounds of ground beef to make one meal) and pre-prep other items in advance (such as turning that head of broccoli into bite-sized pieces). It’s easier to prepare a meal after work if you’ve already done some of the work!
  4. Cook for the future. Since you’re cooking anyway, why not make enough for another meal? Many of my recipes, such as this pepper steak stir-fry, make 2 or 3 servings that can be used for several meals during the week. I love to cook a whole meatloaf and then freeze individual slices to use later in sandwiches. Uncooked meatballs can be frozen (make sure the ground beef hasn’t been previously frozen) and then thawed in single portions to make sweet and sour meatballs or pasta.
  5. Don’t be overzealous. This is a mistake I’ve made more than once. I mean, why not double this sausage and butternut squash skillet so it will last the whole week? Because I guarantee you’re going to be sick of eating it by day 3. Luckily, it freezes nicely so I was able to eat the rest a few weeks later.

Go Forth And Cook

Go Forth And Cook
Go Forth And Cook

The road to eating healthier meals can seem like a long and daunting journey but keep in mind that you don’t have to be good at this all at once. There will be missteps, missed exits and side trips. The important thing is to stick with it. Before you know it, you’ll be looking forward to preparing that healthy meal. I promise.

What strategies have you adopted to make things easier? Let me know in the comments below!

All my best,


Cooking For One Person — Hacks, Tips and Tricks- Part 2

Cooking for one person can be hard. It may be your first time cooking or it may be the waste that’s often involved. Here are some tips to make things easier!

Cooking for one person
Cooking for one person

When I post recipes, I’ll often post hacks at the end of it to give some helpful information in regards to storing leftover ingredients or to make things easier.  I hope this has been beneficial but I also thought it might be great to have all those ideas in one place.  Yep, right here.

Print ‘em out and stick ‘em right on your fridge.  I hope they help!

Ready?  Let’s GO!

Baked Goods

Bread Making Tips
Bread Making Tip


Do not add flour to the countertop while kneading unless absolutely necessary.  This may cause your finished product to be dry.  If the dough is sticky at first, spray the surface and your hands with cooking spray while kneading.  Use a pastry scraper or spatula to fold dough if necessary.

For better rising, put the covered dough in a sunny spot in your house.  I’m not sure this is necessary for warmer climates but it sure helps here in cold New England!

On the final rise, gauge the readiness of the dough by pressing your finger gently on the top.  If it bounces right back, it’s not proofed enough.  Your fingerprint should remain briefly after you take your finger away, however, if your dough falls to any degree after removing your finger, it’s over-proofed and will probably fall in the oven.

Bread can be sliced and then frozen or refrigerated for longer storage.  You can “refresh” the bread by warming it briefly in the microwave or toasting it before use.

If the bread stales before you’ve finished eating it, run it between your fingers (or use a food processor) to turn it into bread crumbs.   Seal in a bag or container and store in the freezer for future use.

Recipes for loaves of bread can be turned into sandwich rolls if preferred.  After the first rise, separate the dough into 8 pieces and form into rolls.  Allow to rise until double, about 30 minutes.

Loaves and cakes

Instead of making a single big cake or bread, make smaller loaves (for freezing or giving away!) by dividing batter between two 6’ x 4” loaf pans, 12 muffin tins or shaping dough into rolls.

Dried Beans

Using Dried Beans
Using Dried Beans

Cooked legumes, beans and lentils can be frozen for future use but allow them to thaw completely in the refrigerator before reheating.

One 15 oz. can of cooked beans can be substituted for each cup of dried beans in most recipes.  Drain, rinse and add to the pot at the end of the recipe.

Fresh Produce

Avoiding Produce Waste
Avoiding Produce Waste

Brussels sprouts, broccoli florets, shallots, mushrooms and other items can often be found loose and/or pre-cut in the produce department of your grocery store..  If you don’t see them, ask a clerk if they’re available.

Cabbage:  Instead of buying an entire head of cabbage, ask the produce clerk to cut it into wedges so you’ll only have to buy what you need.  They’ll wrap the leftover pieces and put it back on the shelf for sale.

Carrots:  Matchstick carrots can be found in the packaged section of the produce department.  Freeze any leftover carrots for use in cooking

Cranberries:  Cranberries can only be bought fresh when they’re “in season”.  If you want to stock up, fresh cranberries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days or frozen for up to a year.  Frozen cranberries are available in the freezer section of your local grocery store year-round.

Frozen vegetables:  Frozen veggies can be substituted for fresh vegetables in cooked recipes.  This includes frozen onions and peppers.

Green onions: Chop green onions and freeze in a sealable freezer bag or container for future use.  The defrosted onions may not be pretty enough to use as a garnish but they’ll be perfectly fine for cooking.


To easily zest a whole orange, use a vegetable peeler and then chop peeled zest finely with a sharp knife. Lay unused zest in a single layer and freeze. Store, tightly wrapped, in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Puree any leftover oranges in the blender or food processor for use in recipes such as cakes, cookies or breads. 1 orange yields about ½ cup, which can be sealed in a bag and stored in the freezer.

Tomatoes:  If you have leftover tomatoes that are becoming over-ripe, simply puree them in the blender and freeze the fresh puree in sealed freezer bags or containers to use in recipes at a later date.  No need to core, peel or seed ‘em…just toss ‘em right in.  Run the puree through a mesh colander if you want to remove the seeds.

Tricks of the Trade

Hacks, Tips and Tricks
Hacks, Tips and Tricks

Bacon Grease:  Store any leftover bacon grease tightly covered in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.  It can be used as a substitute for butter in various cooked dishes.  Caution:  Use caution when cooking with bacon grease.  It has a smoke point similar to butter, which is lower than oils.

Blue Cheese:  Many grocery store delis cut and wrap blue cheese for the shelf.  If you can’t find the size you’re looking for, ask a clerk to cut it for you.  Blue cheese can be frozen but it will lose some of its creaminess and flavor.

Meats:  When cutting meats, place them in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to butterflying or thin slicing to allow for more stability.  Allow to thaw completely before proceeding with the rest of the recipe.

Softened Butter:  Butter will soften to room temperature in 30-60 minutes, depending on the size of the chunk of butter.  Butter can also be softened in the microwave at 30% power for 5-second intervals until desired softness.

Room Temperature Eggs:   Forget to take that egg out of the fridge to warm up?  Place it in warm (not boiling!) water for 10 minutes.

Turmeric: stains anything it touches so proceed with caution!

Just one more tip:  Click here to check out my favorite bags and containers to freeze all the above-mentioned goodies!

That’s All For Now!


So, I think that’s enough for one day, don’t you?  That’s a whole lot of information and I hope it comes in handy!

Did I miss anything?  Do you have any handy-dandy hacks, tips and tricks to share with the class?  Please leave a comment below to let us know what it is!

All my best



No Throw Zone: How To Use Leftovers

Many think that “leftovers” are just a step ahead of “garbage”. Welcome to the No Throw Zone as we talk about a few creative thoughts on how to use leftovers.

No Throw Zone
No Throw Zone

Show of hands, who loves leftovers? Anybody? No? Well, I’m not surprised. Leftovers have gotten a bad rap over the course of time.

Old adages such as “Waste Not, Want Not” and “Clean Your Plate” still ring in our ears from our childhoods (and maybe our children’s childhoods as well!). We were continuously reminded that there were starving children that would give their eye teeth for just one bite of the tuna surprise that was sitting on the table in front of us.

Even Pope Francis jumped on the bandwagon in 2013 saying, “Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.”

All of this makes us feel like leftovers are something we must eat instead of something we could actually enjoy.

I would like to welcome you to the No Throw Zone as we talk about a few creative thoughts on how to use leftovers.

Safely Storing Food Leftovers

Safely Store Leftovers
Safely Store Leftovers

I’m gonna put this at the top of the list because it’s important to store your leftovers in a manner that will allow you to use them in a timely manner before they go bad. For cooked meats and hardy vegetables, the general rule of thumb is that they should be eaten or frozen within 5 days of putting them in the refrigerator (which should happen within 2 hours of cooking them!).

This 5-day rule doesn’t apply to everything so make sure you do your homework. Cured meats can be stored up to 14 days in the fridge after being opened, whereas a fruit or vegetable salad will probably look mushy and unappealing by the next day.

It’s best to use the “first in, first out” method of using your leftovers. When you put a container in, pull any existing containers to the front so they can be used first and the older stuff won’t be hidden in the back!

Keep in mind that’s OK to toss something that looks or smells “funny”. Or, as often happens to me, if you can’t remember when you made it. Never take the chance of getting sick just so you can say you didn’t have to throw it away!

What’s For Lunch Today?

What's For Lunch?
What’s For Lunch?

How about leftovers from your dinner last night?

Nothing’s easier than depositing your leftovers from diner directly into a microwave-safe container to have for lunch the next day. Many dishes are even better when the flavors have had a chance to meld overnight. Don’t believe me? You can’t argue with science, man.

Let’s take that soup or stew, for example. This type of dish is typically simmered for some amount of time, both to cook the ingredients and to evaporate some of the liquid, which makes the broth more concentrated and flavorful.

This evaporation process continues as the dish cools and even in the refrigerator. The meat and vegetables absorb liquid as well, causing them to become more tender and flavorful as time goes on. These chemical reactions are what turn that tasty dinner into a heavenly lunch!

Make It New Again

Make It New Again
Make It New Again

When my kids were growing up, a family favorite was turning stew, pot roast or boiled dinner into hash a day or two later. Simply remove the meat and veggies out of the liquid, chop ‘em up small and crisp them up in a saute pan with a little oil. Use cornstarch to turn the broth into the gravy and you’ve got a real “stick-to-your-ribs” kind of meal. My kids now use this recipe for their own families!

You can also turn any kind of leftovers into a stir-fry. Give them a quick saute and then toss with soy sauce, sesame oil, grated Parmesan or whatever you’ve got on hand!

Puree leftovers to stir into pasta sauce to kick up nutrition and flavor. Or mix them in with pasta and some grated cheese for an easy-peasy meal.

Leftover meat or seafood? How about a sandwich? Or toss it up with some lettuce and your favorite salad dressing! Nachos, chicken salad, ham salad…the possibilities are endless.

Quick And Easy Soup

Quick and Easy Soup
Quick and Easy Soup

Soup’s On! Make that quick and easy soup. Got some bouillon? Puree your leftovers to add for a comforting, tasty broth or mix them in as they are for a hearty soup. Top it with freshly made croutons (made from any kind of leftover bread) and dinner’s ready!

Feeling adventurous? How about some ramen? I know this recipe calls for chicken, celery and carrots but you’re feeling adventurous, right? Go ahead and try it with some different ingredients. Basic, dried, unflavored ramen noodles can be found in the Asian section of your local supermarket and have a long shelf life so why not stock up?

And, just for the record, making your own soup or ramen broth is about one million times better than that “instant” stuff.

Improving The Bottom Line

Improving The Bottom Line
Improving The Bottom Line

Using (reusing?) your leftovers has benefits far beyond the cost of trash bags. Not only are you saving money on your grocery bill, but you’re also reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as your ecological footprint. You’re improving the bottom line for yourself and the whole world.

And lest I end this sounding like your mother, I will also point out that you’re creating tasty and nutritious meals to enjoy with your family and friends. Because that’s the real bottom line, isn’t it?


All my best,




Eating Healthy On Vacation And Business Trips

Eating Healthy On Vacation and Business Trips
Eating Healthy On Vacation and Business Trips

Hitting the road? I’ve got some tips for eating healthy on vacation and business trips! It’s a piece of cake!
It’s time. The annual family vacation, seminar, corporate bonding session or meet-up with far away friends and family. Or maybe it’s just better than staying home. Whatever your reason for hitting the road, there’s no reason to break with your decision to eat wholesome foods!

Food For The Journey

Road Trip
Road Trio

Air Travel

Airport food is overpriced and never very good. It’s commonplace to spend $20+ on a bottle of water, a teeny-tiny bag of chips and a cold sandwich that was made who-knows-how-long-ago.

The good news? TSA allows a wide variety of food through the security checkpoint and onto the airplane. Meats, cheese, bread, crackers, nuts…basically anything that’s not a liquid or packed in liquid. One caveat: Some fresh fruits and vegetables are NOT allowed, depending on their point of origin.

As for that overpriced water? Bring an empty drinking container and fill it once you get past the checkpoint.

Road Tripping

Hit the supermarket the day before to pick up a variety of healthy food. Road trips can be long and it makes us want to eat out of sheer boredom. Keep this in mind when choosing food. Come up with unusual or fun choices and let everyone in the car have a say on what they’d like to eat while on the road. If feasible, allow for some more expensive foods that may not be in your house on a regular basis, such as roast beef or exotic cheese. Don’t forget snacks that are easy to eat in the car such as grapes or nuts!

Stop for meals and some leg stretching in a park, when possible, instead of a rest area, where the sights and smells from fast-food stands and convenience stores might tempt you to eat junk.

If you find that you have to stop for food, skip the convenience store. Instead, choose a grocery store where there is a wider variety of healthy options.

At Your Destination

Eating Healthy In Hotels
Eating Healthy In Hotels

So you’ve arrived at your destination, checked in and unpacked your bags. Now it’s time to make a meal plan! The first thing you’re going to want to do is hit the supermarket (yes, again) because the easiest way to keep healthy while away from home is to continue to make your own meals as much as possible.

I know what you’re thinking. How are you going to make a healthy meal in a hotel room?

I’m going to assume you have a refrigerator in your room. Depending on how long your stay is (and how big the refrigerator is), you may be able to get all your food in one trip and not have to worry about it again!

I’m going to also assume that you have a microwave in your room. This is good news because microwaves are for more than cooking frozen entrees! You can cook a fresh bowl of oatmeal in less than 2 minutes. Throw some uncooked pasta in a bowl of water and microwave it for 5-8 minutes. Quesadillas, baked potatoes, nachos, scrambled eggs and bacon, steamed veggies, ground beef, rice, and corn on the cob. Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera.

Pick up frozen, fully cooked chicken breasts and a bag of salad greens to toss together with some oil and vinegar for a super-fast salad. Use the chicken that’s left to throw together some chicken salad.

How about a peanut butter and fresh strawberry sandwich?

Make some overnight oats before hitting the hay for a super quick breakfast the next morning. Mix up any remaining yogurt with some fresh fruit or berries for a refreshing snack. How about some guacamole boats or a hummus wrap?

Day Tripping

Day Tripping
Day Tripping

At some point, you’re going to want to (or have to) leave your room. You know, to go to the theme park, business meeting, seminar or whatever brought you to town.

If you’re out for the day, pack a lunch. If you drove from home, you may have brought a cooler for the road trip. If you flew, you can purchase (or maybe you thought to pack) a collapsible insulated bag. Seal some hotel ice in a Ziploc bag and throw it in with your food to keep things cool.

If you’re in a meeting or at an event that includes a buffet-style lunch (or dinner), there are usually healthy options to choose from. If you think this will not be the case, feel free to bring your own lunch because, hey, it’s a free country, man. *flashes peace sign* If someone calls you out, you can cite health issues, which is absolutely true…you’re healthy and you want to stay that way.

Always keep some healthy snacks and drinks close at hand for combating between-meal hunger (and that pastry bar they always have at meetings!). Think trail mix, fresh fruit, peanut butter crackers or popcorn, which you can pop up fresh in a paper bag using your hotel microwave. You’re welcome.

Create a custom healthy drink by popping a teabag and/or a few slices of lemon, cucumber or strawberry into your water bottle.

Eating Clean When Eating Out

Eating Clean While Eating Out
Eating Clean While Eating Out

It’s bound to happen. Maybe it’s a meeting, maybe you’ve been outvoted, maybe you just want to have someone else cook for a change. Whatever the reason, here you are at what always seems to be your downfall — dining out.

Let me assure you that eating in a restaurant doesn’t have to be unhealthy.

The first thing you need to do is fix your mindset. Remember that vacations and business trips are not about the food. They are about taking in the sights, forging tighter bonds with people you know and connecting with people you don’t. It’s about having new experiences and learning new things. It’s all about the journey.

But you still have to order dinner.

Look for “naked” proteins that aren’t covered in sauces or cheese. The same goes for a veggie or potato side. This might be, for example, steak, broccoli and a baked potato. If you don’t see anything that fits the bill, ask your server if the kitchen can prepare something for you.

The salad bar is another great option for your veggie side or even for your whole meal. Stick with fresh veggies, fruits, and healthy proteins such as eggs and nuts/seeds. Skip the (probably premade) salad dressings and ask your server to bring you oil and vinegar to top it off.

For a more in-depth discussion about eating healthy in restaurants, check out my article on the subject!

Falling Off The (Whole Foods) Wagon

Falling Off The Wagon
Falling Off The Wagon

You were fine. Just fine. You were eating well, staying strong and feeling great but the moment you passed through the entrance to the fair, the smell of fried dough hit you. You fell off the wagon and you fell hard. You proceeded to eat your way through the entire fair, reeling from one concession sideshow to the next until you had hit them all. Now you’re feeling guilty, tired, cranky, bloated and more than a little nauseated.

Guess what? It happens to the best of us. Put it in your rear view and climb right back on that wagon!

Here are a few tips to help you feel better fast:

  • Take a walk. A brisk walk will speed up your metabolism, which will help to empty your stomach and shed excess fluid. It’s also a mood booster, Win-win!
  • Drink some water. A steady intake of water will help you lose the bloat, especially if you add a few slices of lemon, lime or cucumber. Coffee and green or hibiscus tea are also natural diuretics.
  • Have a piece of candy. Sucking on peppermint or ginger candy will help alleviate the nausea associated with overeating.
  • Get some sleep. A good night’s rest will leave you feeling strong, confident, energized and ready to get back on track!

Whatever you do, don’t follow through with the promise you made to yourself that you’re “never going to eat again”. Skipping meals will only lead to extreme hunger and another binge.

What are your hacks to survive traveling? Let me know in the comments below!

All my best,




Magic Bullet Scams: 6 Healthly Hacks That Weren’t

Looking for a magic bullet for staying healthy? Unfortunately, there are some hucksters out there who are willing to give you one…often with tragic results.

Magic Bullet Scams
Magic Bullet Scams

Throughout history, the human race has always been known for our desire for a quick fix, our tendency to leap before we look. Unfortunately, there have also always been people who are perfectly happy to take advantage of that inclination, often with tragic results.

If we’re lucky, the tragedy we suffer is to our wallet but, far too often, the damage comes at the expense of our physical or emotional well-being.

I’ve compiled a shortlist of trickster scams that have taken place in the past. Some are silly and others decidedly dark but all appear to be designed by con artists intent on separating John Q. Public from his hard-earned dollar.

So light up your chamomile candle, pour yourself a glass of something green and enjoy these magic bullet scams.

Beans, Beans, The Magical Fruit

Bile Beans
Bile Beans

Candian salesman Charles E Fulford invented a product called Bile Beans to cure the condition of “biliousness” which was (apparently) caused by overconsumption and high living.  So, instead of cutting back on rich, fatty meals, it was possible to solve the problem with these coated pills made from laxatives, menthol and licorice.  It was later touted as a cure for influenza and headaches.  Amazingly, this product continued to be sold through the 1980s.

Charles came up with the idea in the 1890s when he was in Australia hawking a newly patented medicine invented by his uncle–Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People.  Made from iron sulfate and Epsom salts, they claimed to cure pale and sallow complexions, as well as rheumatism, nervous headache and heart palpitations.  I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Another Round Of Radium, Anyone?


Radium was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie in 1898.  Shortly after, an entrepreneur by the name of William J. A. Bailey (who possessed zero medical or scientific degrees) sold America on the idea that it was a cure for, well, just about anything.  Radium-infused lotions, blankets, suppositories and even injections were marketed with vague claims of aiding in the improvement of bodily health, manly courage, vigor, joyous vitality and female troubles.

In 1925, what might be the first energy drink was marketed.  Radithor was sold in 2-oz bottles and claimed to contain triple distilled water instilled at least 1 microcurie each of the radium 226 and 228 isotopes.  It was marketed as “Pure Sunshine In A Bottle”. This product finally came off the market in 1931 after the high-profile radiation poisoning death of industrialist Eben Byers due to consuming the drink daily for 2 ½ years. 

Please Pass The Grass

Ann Wigmore
Ann Wigmore

These days wheatgrass claims to be a superfood with all kinds of benefits such as lowering your blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugars, improving cognitive function and boosting your immune system.  The idea of wheatgrass being the holy grail of natural medicine was the brainchild of Ann Wigmore.

Born in 1909, she was raised by her grandmother, a self-taught naturalist, who restored Ann’s health after beginning life as a sickly baby.  At some point, Ann began to believe that grass and weeds were the paths to good health. She even credited eating grass for healing her two broken and gangrenous legs after a car crash when she was 18.

Soon enough, she began to refer to herself as Reverend Ann Wigmore and was preaching that grass and weeds were the manna referred to in the bible.

She opened the Hippocrates Health Institute to promote the controversial claims that grass and weeds could cure everything from cancer to AIDS.

Despite having no science to back up her claims and having been sued twice, her institute (now renamed Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute) continues to operate,  bringing in a net profit of over a million dollars in 2019, all of which is tax-exempt due to their non-profit status.

Honorable Mention

More Health Scams
More Health Scams

In the early 1900s, La Parle Obesity Soap promised to wash away fat, tone skin and firm up flabby muscles “without dieting or gymnastics”.  Turns out it was just soap.

The Molby Revolving Hammock claimed that laying facedown on their hammock was the secret to a long life, health and vitality.  “All the keen relish of a healthful existence comes to the man or woman whose spine is straight, strong and supple, with no tension on the sympathetic nervous system and with every spinal nerve relaxed.”

Upton Sinclair wrote “The Fasting Cure” in 1898, which promoted fasting as a healthy practice to improve health and cure disease.  Fasting has been promoted throughout history as a beneficial practice and still continues to have its advocates even today. The problem with Sinclair’s fasting ideas?  He claimed that fasting for 40-50 days uninterrupted could cure tuberculosis, syphilis, epilepsy, heart disease and cancer, among other ailments. And, no, he wasn’t a doctor.  He didn’t even play one on TV.

Do Me A Favor

Do Me A Favor
Do Me A Favor

We’re fortunate in this day and age that we have the ability to investigate the many miraculous claims that seem to come at us a mile a minute.  We literally have the information at our fingertips so do me a favor, would you?

As good as it sounds, take a minute to investigate before you dive into any new thing.  No, not just foods or health gadgets but anything that seems too good to be true. Keep in mind that there’s never a hurry.

Only six left?  Trust me, they’ll make more.  (Unless it’s a dud and then you can be thankful you didn’t waste your money!).  Offer only good for the next 15 minutes? Check back in 14 minutes and I’ll bet you’ll still have 15 minutes. And why would they give you 15 minutes to make a decision?

Who does this?  Shysters, of course.  Shysters do this.

Anyone with a great product to offer welcomes the feedback you’re likely to find if you research it so give them the opportunity to show you that they’re the real deal.

To check out some magic bullet scams that are currently on the market, check out this list from the FDA.

You can also check out my article on how to identify these scams!

What about you?  What “deals” have you seen or fallen for in the past?  Let me know in the comments below!

All my best,



Cooking For One Person — Hacks, Tips and Tricks

Cooking for one can be tricky. I’ve put together a list of hacks, tips and tricks to help with the question of what to do with leftover ingredients!

Cooking For One Person -- Hacks, Tips and Tricks
Cooking For One Person — Hacks, Tips and Tricks

When I post recipes, I’ll often post hacks at the end of it to give some helpful information in regard to storing leftover ingredients. I hope this has been beneficial but I also thought it might be great to have all those ideas in one place. Yep, right here.

Print ‘em out and stick ‘em right on your fridge for the next time you need to buy that whole knob of ginger for a recipe that calls for 1 teaspoon…

Ready? Let’s GO!

Let's GO
Let’s GO



Anchovies can be covered in oil and sealed in a sealable sandwich bag in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. Alternately, they can be spread out in a single layer and frozen (still in the sandwich bag, if desired). I suggest you double bag the fillets before storing them.

Bacon: Separate uncooked bacon slices and roll into individual pinwheels. Place on cookie sheet in the freezer to freeze bacon slices. Place in a sealable freezer bag or container. The frozen slices can then be used in the portions desired.

Bananas: If your bananas have reached maximum ripeness, remove peels and place them on a cookie sheet in the freezer. Once solid, place in sealable freezer bag and store in the freezer for use in recipes that call for mashed or pureed banana. Try them in this delicious smoothie!

Berries: If you purchase fresh berries, the leftovers can be stored in the freezer. Spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer until solid. Place in a sealable freezer bag and store in the freezer for use in recipes that call for mashed or pureed berries.

Broccoli: Check the produce department of your local grocery store for pre-cut broccoli florets to avoid having to buy an entire head. Frozen broccoli florets would also work in a cooked recipe.

Butternut Squash: Fresh peeled and cubed butternut squash can be purchased in the produce department of the grocery store, making your life just a little bit easier. Frozen butternut squash can also be used in most recipes.

Burgers: Shape ground meat into 4 oz patties. Place burgers on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer until frozen. Put individually into sealable sandwich bags and then into a sealable freezer bag or freezer container. The rolls can also be frozen in the same manner.

Eggs, Cooked: Make more than one egg and store them for later use. For the best quality, I suggest cooking scrambled eggs in an egg ring as this provides for uniform cooking and reheating. Cook just until set. These eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

To freeze eggs, place on cookie sheet and place in freezer until firm. Seal in freezer bag or container and store in freezer.

To reheat, thaw in refrigerator overnight and microwave at 20 second intervals, just until heated through.

Eggs, Hard Boiled: Hard-boiled eggs keep in the refrigerator for one week so consider making a few extra while you’ve got the water boiling! They make a great snack alone, pickled, deviled or in egg salad.

English Muffin: Slice English muffins in half horizontally and return to original packing. Place in sealed freezer bag and place in freezer for up to 3 months.

Fruit/Berry: Take advantage of the wide variety of fruits and berries that can be found in the frozen foods section of the grocery store. If the pieces are too large for your purpose, simply let a few thaw so you can mash them or puree the desired amount in a blender.

Ginger: Do you know that you can freeze fresh ginger root? Grating it in its frozen state is easier than grating it fresh and, if you choose organic ginger, you don’t have to peel it! Simply place in a sealed freezer bag or container and pop it in the freezer.

Guacamole: Place any leftover guacamole in a sealable bag. Roll to press out as much air as possible and seal tightly. Store in refrigerator for up to two days.

Herbs: Fresh herbs can easily be frozen. Lay flat in a single layer and freeze. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and seal tightly. Store in the freezer for up to 12 months.

Alternately, herbs can be chopped and placed in ice cubes trays. Cover with oil and freeze for future use.

Pine Nuts: Pine nuts can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2 months or in the freezer for 6 months.

Rice: Place leftover rice while still warm (to retain moisture) in serving-size containers and freeze for future use.

Romaine Lettuce: To keep romaine lettuce fresh longer, separate leaves and wash. Dry in a salad spinner or with paper towels. Place lettuce leaves in a sealable plastic bag or container with paper towels between each layer to absorb moisture. Store in refrigerator and replace paper towels if they become soggy.

Salad Bar: Shop the salad bar if you just need a small amount of an item that you don’t think you’ll use again before it “goes over”.

Seafood: Although seafood purchased from the seafood counter is often priced by weight, it is perfectly acceptable to ask for only what you need, such as 6 shrimp or half a fillet of haddock.

Alternately, many of these items can be purchased frozen in larger portions if you wish to keep some on hand. Thaw desired amounts before cooking.

Seafood can be thawed overnight in refrigerator. It can be thawed more quickly by placing it in a sealable bag and submerging in a bath of cold water for about an hour.

I do not recommend freezing seafood that is purchased from the seafood counter. Many seafood items are flash frozen after being caught to retain their freshness. Refreezing will compromise the quality.

Sesame Oil: Once opened, sesame oil can be stored in a cool, dark place (kitchen cupboard away from the stove) for up to six months. It can be stored in the fridge for a year or more.

Yogurt: Use any leftover Greek yogurt to make this versatile Dill Greek Yogurt Dip!

Just one more tip: Click here to check out my favorite bags and containers to freeze all the above-mentioned goodies!

That’s All For Now!

So, I think that’s enough for one day, don’t you? That’s a whole lot of information and I hope it comes in handy!

Did I miss anything? Do you have any handy-dandy hacks, tips and tricks to share with the class? Please leave a comment below to let us know what it is!

All my best




How To Eat Well On A Budget

Food is expensive but there are ways to ease the burden! Here are a few tips on how to eat well on a budget. I hope it helps.

How To Eat Well On A Budget
How To Eat Well On A Budget

Now that you’ve embarked on a whole foods diet, you may be noticing something. It’s costing more money than that processed diet you used to eat.

Sure, the food tastes better and you feel better.  I’ll bet that even your –ahem– body constitution is thanking you. But, while some healthy foods can be had for a lower price, there are only so many eggs and peanut butter that a person can eat.

You feel like one financially bad month is all it would take to drive you back to the Dollar Menu at your local fast food joint. I feel your pain.

I’ve put together a few ideas to share with you. Give these a try and let me know how it goes!

A Few Ways to Save Money When Shopping

Save Money When Shopping
Save Money When Shopping


Weekly Grocery Store Fliers. How many times have you taken those weekly grocery store fliers from the mailbox and deposited them directly into the recycle bin? Because who has time for that, right? Well, I’ve got the scoop for you…all the best promotions are on the front page!

Make a list of the best deals (or just rip off that front page) and make a visit to each store. Keep in mind that you don’t have to go to all the stores on the same day.

These prices are usually good for a week, although some holiday weekend sales may only run for that weekend. Either way, it’s time to stock up! Go ahead and buy that 5 lb family pack, separate it into serving-size pieces and store it in the freezer!

Online Customer Loyalty Programs. I love, love, love my grocery stores’ online customer loyalty program! The signup was painless and all I have to do now is input my phone number when checking out. I get free grocery coupons online as well as a money-back reward quarterly that I can apply to my next grocery bill. The coupons are typically more substantial than you might find elsewhere, offering bigger discounts and even some free items. Make sure to take advantage of the maximum number of items allowed.

Get a rain check. The better the deal, the more likely it is that you’ll discover that the store has run out. If that happens, ask for a rain check. There is generally no expiration date on these so you’re free to use it weeks or even months from when it was issued.

Look For Markdowns. Many stores will mark down items that are nearing their expiration date.* This can be a great way to obtain more expensive gourmet items that you wouldn’t be able to justify at full price. Just be sure it use it right away or get it promptly in the freezer. Ask department employees what days or times of day they do the markdowns so you’ll know when they’ll have a wider selection.

For some more tips on saving money at the grocery store, click here.

Take Advantage of the Moment

Take Advantage of the Moment
Take Advantage of the Moment


Carpe Diem. It’s all about knowing how to seize the day, how to take advantage of the moment. It’s all about…holiday sales.

Having worked in the supermarket industry, I know that they’re willing to sell a few items at a loss during holiday seasons to grab a bigger share of the increased customer traffic. Be prepared to take advantage of the deep discounts you can get at different times of the year.

During the summer months, you’re going to get great prices on items that are typically barbecued such as ground beef, chicken and sausages. Saint Patrick’s Day is corned beef, Easter is lamb or ham, etc. While Christmas and Thanksgiving are good for scoring great deals on turkeys, Cornish hens and hams, also be on the lookout for other things that can be frozen for later use such as butter and premade pie crusts.

I know the turkey thing didn’t slip by you. I know it’s waaaaay too big for just one person. I know it’s hard to find room for it in the freezer.  All I’m saying is that if you like turkey, go ahead and buy one. January is a slow month for a lot of us and it might help fight those winter blues to invite over a group of friends for a potluck. You’ll be the star when they see that you’ve prepared turkey! (“Yes, it was a lot of work. *Wipes brow* But you’re worth it!”)

Post-Holiday Sales. Also, be on the lookout for post-holiday sales when stores are trying to clear items that didn’t sell. These can be fancy, high ticket items that probably won’t sell once the entertaining has slowed down, foods dressed in holiday wrapping, candied fruit and the like. Let me add a caveat: Make sure these items can be frozen or have a long shelf life so you have time to consume them before expire. If you see an item that looks good, a quick search on your cell phone should give you the answer you need!

Food pantries

Food pantries
Food pantries

This is a subject that is not widely discussed and I can’t imagine why. Food pantries are a fabulous resource, whether you use them on a regular basis or just for those “lean times” caused by things like unexpected car repairs or reduced work hours.

Many of us have visions of government-issued cans of Mystery Meat, boxed mac and cheese, canned vegetables and stale bread. While these things may have been true in the past, a lot has changed.

Yes, those items still tend to be a staple of food pantries, but more and more pantries are offering fresh or frozen whole foods as well.

Remember those marked-down items at the grocery store? They are pulled off the shelf one day prior to their expiration date* and often donated to food pantries where they can be frozen and distributed. Many local farmers now donate any overabundance of products from their farms. Often, wonderful, generous local organizations and private citizens donate as well.

Foodpantries.org has an extensive list of available food pantries, categorized by state and town. Some require (to a varying degree) proof of income, expenses or residency while others don’t. Check the links on this site or give them a call to see what, if any, information is required.

As you go through the line, remember that you don’t have to accept everything that’s offered. If you’re trying to stick to a whole foods diet, then just accept the whole foods. If they’re offering whole foods that you dislike, it’s perfectly acceptable to decline those as well. Accepting things you don’t want or won’t use is actually depriving another of accepting those items for their own home.

You don’t have to stick with one food pantry. I’m not advising that you hit every one you can find in the hopes of filling your freezer but just suggesting that different pantries have different donors and offer different things. While you’re looking for whole foods, another person who has limited cooking facilities or abilities may gravitate towards a place that has more processed choices. There’s enough for everyone and it will all work out in the end.

Government-Sponsored Programs

Government-Sponsored Programs
Government-Sponsored Programs

This also tends to be a touchy subject but I’m going to list it here because I think it’s a valuable service to those in need.

Many people are embarrassed to inquire or apply for government assistance, much less use it in public. Others assume they won’t qualify simply by virtue of the fact that they are working, married, have a car or a place to live. But many of these fears, concerns and assumptions are unfounded.

Gone are the days of presenting your paper coupons books for payment at the register or standing in line at the welfare office. The application process can, in most cases, be completed online with no face-to-face meetings necessary. If approved you would receive a debit card in the mail which would be loaded each month with your benefit amount.

While income and possession value is a factor in the acceptance process, other factors are also taken into account such as family size, disability and extenuating circumstances.

Another issue to consider is that there are a number of different programs out there and they all have different acceptance guidelines.

WIC is a program aimed at helping women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have children under the age of 5. Those who qualify receive targeted nutritional foods for their entire household.

SNAP provides financial assistance for families within specified income guidelines and/or with special circumstances. This financial assistance is specifically allowed to purchase food.

Meals On Wheels delivers meals to the homes of seniors who have limited mobility and meet certain income guidelines.

Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides financial assistance to seniors who meet certain guidelines. This assistant specifically allows them to purchase certain food products from local farmers.

There are many other programs that, while not providing food assistance, help you pay other expenses such as heating/electricity (even if it’s included in your housing payment), health insurance or rent.  Complete a questionnaire at Benefits.gov to find out which programs you may be eligible for!

We’re all in this together

We’re all in this together
We’re all in this together


I hope I’ve provided you with some information that will help to ease the financial burdens that some of us face when trying to eat healthier meals.

If you have any other tips or programs I might have missed, please let me know in the comments below. We’re all in this together!

*Please note that a products’ sell by, use by, best by or expiration date DOES NOT mean the product is no longer safe to consume after that. Click here for an explanation from The USDA.


Healthy Eating For One – What’s Your Plan?

So you’ve embarked on your healthy eating for one journey but what’s the plan, Stan? Do you actually have an actual strategy in place? How are going to achieve that goal?

 I promised you hacks and tips on healthy eating for one and I’m here to deliver! These are just a few observations I’ve come across on my journey down this delicious road to the dinner table.

Do with them what you will. Here goes!

What’s In Your Basket? – The Store(y) Starts Here

One of the most difficult parts of eating as a single person is the waste that often comes with it.

Many perishables (especially produce) are sold in larger packages and it’s hard to use them up before their time is up. Here are a few suggestions:

Healthy Eating For One
What’s In Your Basket?

Shop the salad bar. Although the salad bar is not the most economical way to buy groceries, there are times it may come in handy.

Take me, for example. Although I do like the occasional salad, I’m not a salad eater for the most part. After I’ve eaten the one salad I’m going to have for the next month or so, I struggle to find a use for the rest of that lettuce and all those stinkin’ cucumber slices.

This is where the salad bar comes in handy. It’s not just for salad building, either. Browse the salad bar to acquire small amounts of fresh ingredients in any meal you’re planning. There’s no waste and no prep. Win-win.

Pasta. Yes, pasta. You can take out whatever amount you want and just pop that box right back on the shelf where it will wait patiently for next time.

My two favorite ways to serve it are with sauce or as a pasta salad but it’s incredibly versatile.

There are so many shapes and flavors, made from a variety of ingredients (including gluten-free), that the possibilities are endless!

Shelf-stable and frozen items. In the same theme as pasta, there are many healthy items in the store that can be portioned out in varying amounts.

Many things you buy on the shelf have a very long life ahead of them such as nuts, peanut butter and dried fruits.

In the freezer section, you can find vegetables, fruits and loose, unbaked rolls.

Single serving. This is a category that also might appear to be less than economical because single-serve items typically have a higher unit price (cost per ounce, pound, etc.).

But consider that if you buy a bigger unit that you’re not going to finish before it expires, then you’re not saving money at all. Think yogurt, milk, and cereal.

Weekly Meal Prep Ideas – Not So Lazy Sundays

Healthy Eating For One
Weekly Meal Prep Ideas

Portion out meat/poultry. As soon as you get home from the store, open up all those packages of meat and separate them into serving-sized portions.

Seal each portion individually in sandwich bags. Then place those bags in a larger freezer bag, label it, date it and pop it in the freezer.

The same goes for ground meats, sausages and hot dogs.

Do some advance prep. Take a look at your meal plan for the week. (You DID make one, right? Good.)  Is there anything you can do in advance to make your weekday cooking less stressful?

For example, hardy vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, etc.) can be prepped and stored in water for up to a week, while softer vegetables can be done 3-4 days in advance.

Salad dressings and marinades can be also prepared in advance.

Cook ahead. Make a big batch of something (like this classic meatloaf) and freeze it in single-portion sizes.

Things like hearty soups or lasagna freeze well and are easy grab-and-go, one-dish lunches.

Trust me, it will make your exit out the door much smoother on Monday morning.

Think breakfast. French toast, pancakes and waffles can all be made ahead and stored in your freezer, making breakfast a piece of…um…toast! Just pop ‘em in the microwave or toaster for a sweet treat.

This Basic Overnight Oats recipe can be made in advance and stored in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Good Morning, Sunshine! – Tips For Planning Your Day

Healthy Eating For One
Tips For Planning Your Day

Don’t overdo it. Take the time to think about how much time you have (or are willing to take) to prepare/cook your meals during the week.

One of the biggest defeats in this game is planning to make a healthy, hearty, home-cooked meal on Tuesday evening (in quadruple to ensure you have extra to freeze up for later), only to realize that you’re too pooped to make it happen once you get home.

Make it easy. Choose easy dinner recipes for one so you don’t have to worry about packaging the leftovers for the freezer. This Spinach Feta Pizza comes together in just a few minutes with very little mess or cleanup!

Do as much advance prep as possible on your free days.

Simple recipes like this Strawberry Banana Yogurt Smoothie make breakfast a snap. Put it in a travel mug to sip on your way to work.

Double up. Choose recipes that specifically serve two or three like this simple Szechuan Style Shrimp. By making a meal you can eat a number of times during the week, you free up some spare time to get the laundry done, call a friend or just chill.

It’s Not Over (‘Till It’s Over)

Healthy Eating For One
It’s Not Over (‘Till It’s Over)

This is not an exhaustive list, just a few tricks I’ve picked up along the way.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and what you’ve learned on your journey as well! I look forward to reading your comments below!


All my best,






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